Golf Stretching

Improve flexibility in your legs, hips, through your core, back, and up your arms.

Stretching for an improved golf swing


Get better.

Stretching improves how you play because it allows you to be an athlete. Ultimately a more flexible body can make you swing harder, but it will also improve consistency in your swing.

Get a baseline.

Your first session will be to identify the areas to improve stretching for golf. You’ll go through a number of stretches that will indicate to the coach what you’re good at and not good at. That will build the base for your work moving forward.

Get better all the time, even at home.

Improvement doesn’t just come on the golf course. It comes by improving posture, your flexibility, and strength. Golf stretching doesn’t require a gym, it can be done at home everyday. You can work on your posture at the office every day. Something this fundamental, can impact your games in ways you wouldn’t imagine.